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The teachers at Truly Blessed Learning Center are committed to encourage each child daily to

do and be their best. Teachers are chosen for their dedication and qualifications.


Each staff member is degreed or currently in school for ECE, and have been through a process to confirm professional references and criminal background check.

Every teacher is CPR/1st Aid certified, and are required to do a complete a staff health report on an annual basis. Each member of our staff meets qualifications set by state laws and completes various trainings throughout the year.


We follow the Wee Learn & Creative Learning Curriculums, which help our staff to understand the preschooler, how they learn, and the skills needed to provide positive learning environments and experiences. We believe that children’s play is very important in their early development as it helps them to develop literacy skills, social, emotional, intellectual, and creative abilities.


We also follow the Virginia Milestones for Child Development.


Sunshine Room:  8 weeks to 23 months

Caterpillars:  2 to 3 years

Busy Bees:  3 to 5 years 

We also offer Summer Camp!



Circle Time: This is a time of the day where the children sit down in a circle. We start off with the GOOD MORNING SONG. We say our names, ages, family members’ names, etc. We discuss the weather, days of the week, & month. The children discuss colors, numbers, and shapes as it relates to them & their environment. We also talk about what we did the day before. We dance and act out nursery rhymes during this time as well.

Center Play: This is a very important time of the day where the children not only enjoy themselves but they are also learning. Center Play gives the children skills that instructional time can’t. Children like to be active and shouldn’t sit down for long periods at a time. The classroom is setup with centers so that the children may play and learn throughout the day. Teachers & assistants participate in playtime as well so that we are able to find opportunities to enhance the child’s learning experience. (Guided play)

J.A.M. Time: This is a time where the children pray, sing songs, and read a bible story. This last no longer than 15 minutes.

Art Activity: This is a time where we do table and an activity. The activity lasts approximately 15 minutes and if the children lose interest in the activity prior to that we move on to the next thing. This time also includes puzzle play blocks, and/or puppet shows.

Storytime: This is time where we read to the children. We allow them to participate by pointing to things on the pages and saying what they are. Story time normally takes place right before nap but is known to also take place during circle time or art time.

Quiet/Nap Time: This is where the children rest for the day from 1-3 p.m. All children who nap must bring in a small blanket which will be sent home every Friday and it must be brought back on Monday. In any event that your child has an accident, TBLC has extra sheets and blankets at all times.


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